Terms of use of the www.creditcall.sk website and privacy policy.

1. General provisions

CreditCall, s.r.o., with its registered office at Račianska 66, 831 02 Bratislava, as the controller (hereinafter referred to as the “Controller”) guarantees the security and protection of the personal data entrusted to it in accordance with Regulation of the European Parliament and of the Council No. (EU) 2016/679 on the protection of natural persons with regard to the processing of personal data and on the free movement of such data (hereinafter referred to as “GDPR”) and Act No. 18/2018 Coll. on the protection of personal data and on amendment and supplementation of certain acts, as amended.

2. User data about visits to our website

We use the information we collect during your use of our website solely for statistical evaluation. This helps us to tailor our website to your needs and optimise it at the same time. We do not create personal user profiles using them.

Tools used to analyse and evaluate traffic to our site:


When using the www.creditcall.sk website, cookies (identification files that track user activity on the website) are stored on the electronic device used to access the website.

Tools storing Cookies on your device on the basis of our authorization, a valid mediation agreement and effective cooperation with them:

  • Google Analytics (https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=sk)
  • Google Adwords (https://policies.google.com/technologies/ads?hl=sk)
  • Facebook Pixel (https://www.facebook.com/business/gdpr)

In the case of consent (permission cookies) can be stored on the user’s electronic device:

  • temporary cookies that are automatically deleted when the user’s browser is switched off,
  • long-term cookies, which remain on the user’s internet browser even after the user has switched off the device used to access the website (these cookies can be deleted by the user at any time and are also deleted automatically after a few weeks or months).

In case of refusal of consent (refusal of cookies in the web browser), the operator cannot guarantee the full functionality of the www.creditcall.sk website, in particular, it does not guarantee the possibility to contribute to the discussion in the blog and magazine sections.

How to delete or block Cookies

You can view, change and set the storage of cookies by Google by installing the browser extension for your browser: https://support.google.com/ads/answer/7395996?hl=sk. You can completely opt out of the storage of cookies by Google by installing the extension for your browser: https://support.google.com/ads/answer/7395996. To block cookies from other providers, please adjust your browser settings or disable the use of cookies in your browser.

Through your browser’s security settings, you can choose whether to store Cookies, for example by not accepting any Cookies from the start, or only accepting Cookies on request, or by choosing to delete Cookies each time you stop browsing the website.

Instructions for managing cookies according to your browser:

4. Advertising services related to the use of the website

We use Google Conversion Tracking and Google Remarketing on our website. Google Conversion Tracking is an analytics service of Google Inc. (1600 Amphitheatre Parkway, Mountain View, CA 94043, USA; “Google”) for measuring the success of our ads placed on Google (Ads). If you access our site via a Google ad, a cookie will be set on your browser. These Cookies are not used for personal identification.

With Google Conversion Tracking, we and Google can recognise that someone has clicked on our ad placed on Google and been redirected to our site. We do not see what other pages the user has opened. The information collected by Google Conversion Tracking is used solely to compile statistics on the success and usage of our AdWords campaigns. In doing so, however, we do not collect or receive any personally identifiable information.

In addition, we use remarketing technologies from Google, Netsuccess (Inres advertising system) or AdForm on our website. Users who have already visited our site can also be retargeted with targeted advertising on other sites in the Google, Inres or Adform partner network using these technologies. Google, Inres and Adform remarketing technologies also use cookies.

We also use Facebook Conversion Pixel and Facebook Remarketing on our website. With the Facebook Conversion Pixel, we and Facebook can recognise that someone has clicked on our Facebook ad and been redirected to our page. We cannot see what other pages the user has opened. The information collected by the Facebook Conversion Pixel is used to compile statistics on the success and usage of our Facebook campaigns. In doing so, however, we do not collect or receive any personally identifiable information. With Facebook Remarketing, users who have already visited our pages can be retargeted with targeted advertising on other Facebook pages. However, we do not receive or collect any information about which users are targeted by Facebook. Identification of individual users is not possible. For more information on the purpose and scope of the information collected and the processing of your personal data by Facebook, as well as the settings for the protection of your privacy on Facebook, please refer to the Facebook Data Use Policy.

If you do not wish to receive advertising based on your interests, you can use the settings described in 3. Cookies to deactivate cookies for this purpose.

5. Newsletter – e-mail magazine

If you would like to subscribe to the free newsletter, we need your email address to do so. After submitting the registration form, you will receive a confirmation email from us. The subscription is only valid when you click on the link provided in the confirmation email. The data provided by you is necessary and will be used exclusively for the purpose of sending the Newsletter. By confirming your subscription, you confirm your consent to the processing of your e-mail address and other data you have voluntarily provided for the purpose stated here. Contact data may be processed by third parties for the purpose of delivery and anonymous evaluation of email readership statistics, namely:

  • MailChimo
  • Ecomail

You can unsubscribe from the Newsletter at any time, for example by using the unsubscribe link at the bottom of each email.

If you voluntarily provide additional personal data (first name, last name) when you sign up, we will only use this data for the purpose of attaching a personal address to your Newsletter. You can change or delete this data at any time by following the link at the bottom of the Newsletter. These optional additional data will then be deleted or changed according to your input.

6. Contact details and online forms

If you request to be contacted back via email or one of the contact forms on this website, your personal data will be processed as a legitimate interest of the controller to contact the user and provide a proposal for cooperation, an answer to a question or advice. the provision of any personal data in the online contact forms is discretionary and voluntary; however, the provision of some data is necessary in order for your request to be processed.

The personal data collected that the user may provide to the controller:

  • first and/or last name (necessary)
  • e-mail address (necessary)
  • phone number

The contact data is processed by the internal CRM system of the controller and/or by third-party tools with which the controller has concluded proper intermediary agreements on the use and processing of personal data.

All personal data provided via online forms is processed for 1 year and then automatically removed from the respective form databases.

7. Website security

All data located on www.creditcall.sk and its subdomains is protected by an encrypted SSL connection, which prevents its leakage during transmission or contact with our website.

8. Instructions to the data subject within the meaning of the Act (§28):

  1. As a data subject, you have the right, upon written request from the controller, to request:
    • in a generally comprehensible form, information on the status of the processing of your personal data in the information system; when a decision is issued pursuant to point 2) of this paragraph, you are entitled to be informed of the processing and evaluation of the operations,
    • in a generally comprehensible form, precise information about the source from which the controller obtained your personal data for processing,
    • a copy (list) of your personal data subject to processing in a generally comprehensible form,
    • rectification or destruction of incorrect, incomplete or outdated personal data subject to processing,
    • the destruction of personal data if the purpose of the processing has been fulfilled; if official documents containing personal data are the subject of the processing, you may request their return,
    • the destruction of personal data subject to processing where there has been a breach of the law;
    • confirm whether or not personal data about you is being processed,
    • blocking of your personal data due to withdrawal of consent before the expiry of its validity period, if the controller processes personal data on the basis of consent.
  2. As a data subject, you have the right, on the basis of a free written request or in person if the matter cannot be delayed, at any time to object to and not to submit to a decision of the controller which would have legal effects or significant impact on you, if such a decision is made solely on the basis of automated processing operations on your personal data. You have the right to request the controller to review the decision issued by a method other than automated processing, and the controller is obliged to comply with the data subject’s request, with the authorised person playing a decisive role in the review of the decision; you will be informed of the method of review and the outcome of the findings by the controller within 30 days;
  3. You can notify the Data Protection Authority if you suspect that your personal data is being unlawfully processed;
  4. If the data subject lacks full legal capacity, his or her rights may be exercised by a legal representative;
  5. If the person concerned is deceased, his or her rights under this Act may be exercised by a person close to him or her.
  6. Upon written request, the data subject shall have the right to object to the controller
    • the processing of her personal data which she believes is or will be processed for direct marketing purposes without her consent and to request its destruction,
    • the use of personal data referred to in § 10 par. 3 lit. (d) of the Act (i.e. the title, name, surname and address of the data subject) for the purposes of direct marketing by post, or
    • the provision of personal data referred to in § 10 par. 3 lit. (d) of the Act (i.e. the title, name, surname and address of the data subject) for direct marketing purposes.

Data protection and the information obligation of the controller.

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