Blog: news and information in one place
CreditCall stories: Lucia Kafúnová and Anna Púpalová, Packeta project telephone specialists
We kicked off our collaboration with Packet with the pre-Christmas season at the end of October 2020. To bring Packeta closer to home, the brand was founded in 2010 in the Czech Republic. It is a digital e-commerce platform that sets trends in logistics. It was created with the aim of making it easier for…
Automation and chatbots in hotlines before Christmas
Every online store owner knows that Christmas is one of the most challenging times of the year. People shop a lot more than in other months, which automatically means an increased need for an info line. Therefore, many companies expand their customer service with additional staff or even chatbots from mid-November or early December onwards….
Analysis of hotline data during the Christmas shopping frenzy
Christmas is one of the best times of the year for business. People shop and do not hesitate to spend even larger amounts of money. However, if you want to be successful this time around, you can’t expect customers to just come to you. You need to set the right strategy to make the most…
According to European Union surveys, women have to work two months longer than men to achieve the same annual pay. The average wage gap in the EU is currently 12.73%, while in Slovakia the figure is even higher. For 2022, the gap was as high as 19%, compared to 16.6% in 2021, according to the…