Juraj Balogh
Juraj Balogh

Mám tú česť a privilégium oznámiť začiatok novej kapitoly v profesionálnej ceste nášho kolegu Mária Šušotu. Súčasťou rodiny CreditCall je od svojich 16 rokov a počas svojej kariéry si vo firme prešiel rôznymi pozíciami – od operátora call centra až po riaditeľa realizácie. Dnes predstavujeme jeho novú pracovnú pozíciu – konateľ.

Juraj Balogh and Mário Šušota

This moment is not only a recognition of his long-standing commitment and loyalty to the company, but also a testament to his exceptional intrinsic motivation and expertise. His journey is proof that belief in oneself, continuous learning and a commitment to the highest quality of service can lead to extraordinary success.

For me personally, this man is not only a colleague, but also a friend and a role model. I am particularly inspired by his ability to perceive details with a structuredness that is invaluable in today’s fast-paced world. His approach to work and his ability to lead people is an example to us all.

I congratulate Mario on his new post and we look forward to seeing what we can achieve together in the future. We trust that his leadership will lead us to further successes and together we will write the next chapters of our story.


You can read more about Mario Šušot in our series CreditCall Stories: https: //creditcall.sk/pribehy-creditcallu-mario-susota…/

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