New technologies bring us many opportunities to sell and promote our products or services. Therefore, many people ask whether telemarketing can now compete with the Internet and social networks, which are becoming increasingly popular in the marketing field. The answer is yes, but it is important to know what services to use and who to contact.

How is it possible that telemarketing is still successful?

Telemarketing holds its stable place even in the digital era dominated by the Internet. How is this possible? It is mainly due to the personal approach. This is lacking in social networks, websites or newsletters and cannot be replaced by a nice graphic, interesting text or a colourful banner.

In a time when almost everything is done online and contact with others has been reduced to a minimum, we value the personal touch much more than in the past. Telemarketing can therefore achieve significantly better results than a few years ago, when buying in brick-and-mortar stores prevailed.

But it is important to remember that telemarketing will only be successful if it is done by an expert. Ideally call centerthat has enough experience with it and will know how to communicate with the customer, what products to provide them and so on.

What services are part of telemarketing?

Many people think of telemarketing as calling potential customersto whom line staff offer products. And although this type of service is part of it, in addition to it there is also:

  • Arranging meetings – If your business depends on a large number of meetings, but you don’t want them to be arranged and scheduled by overpriced phone operators, opt for a call centre. Its services are more cost-effective and the operators highly efficient. One agent can call up to 100 clients in a day.
  • Retention – is the process of retaining an existing customer. It is suitable in three situations:
    • When a customer plans to stop using your services – the call centre proactively communicates with the customer to find out their attitude and motivation to stay.
    • When a customer has not purchased for a long time or has cancelled a contract – the staff tries to persuade the customer to withdraw his/her termination from the contract or to purchase again.
    • When a customer leaves for a competitor – this is a win back campaign. Call centre staff try to win back clients who have started buying products or services from competitors.
  • Updating databases – A lengthy process that is crucial to a successful business. If you don’t have time for it, you can leave it all to the call centre professionals. They will take care of everything.

The best results will come from a combination of multiple solutions

Telemarketing is highly successful and will help you not only to attract new customers but also to retain existing ones. However, it may not be the only solution you use. In today’s digital age, you can also combine it with social media marketing, through which you can target younger generations in particular.

Another alternative is regular newsletters. These will be most successful if you personalise them for each recipient and make them interesting at the same time.

Don’t forget customer satisfaction

Using telemarketing or other marketing solutions, you can motivate and persuade customers to buy your product or service. However, if you want them to do so again some time later, you must not forget about their satisfaction.

Customer satisfaction is influenced by a large number of factors. In addition to the quality of the product, it’s also your approach to it. It should be professional and, if the client needs something, helpful.So, after you have created a successful marketing strategy, make sure you also have a professional customer service. You can create this yourself or a professional call centre can help you in this respect.

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