We invite you to the 1st Slovak Contact Center Forum!
Back to the listAfter more than twenty years of Czech conferences dedicated to call centres, ADMEZ, together with CreditCall and other partners, decided to organize its younger sister in Bratislava.
The first edition of the Slovak Contact Center Forum conference will take place on 12 June 2024 in the Saffron Hotel in Bratislava. The main topics of this conference will be the development of contact centres in Slovakia, including the impact of artificial intelligence, and we will also focus on people and their potential, because we cannot imagine contact centres without them yet.
What interesting programme awaits the conference guests?
Let’s start with communication. In the first block, Iveta Maličká (General Health Insurance Company) will explain to us that it is important to listen not only with our ears and how it makes sense in the contact centre. Tomáš Gribanič (Slovak Telekom) will discuss the issue of cooperation between the “front lines” to make the operation as efficient as possible. The contact centre is all about people. Various applications and gadgets are used to better coach, train and improve performance in teams. Natasha Mendel (Concentrix) will present one example.
The second session will focus on customer experience and its evolution under the influence of artificial intelligence. You will see, for example, Katarina Kmet’ova (Konecta), Lukáš Vrábel (Alza.sk) and other speakers.
The final part of the conference will bring both a talk about the often mentioned term wellbeing and its impact on performance at work(Lukáš Piperek), as well as a panel discussion led by Juraj Balogh (CreditCall) about the experience with the new telecommunications law.
A varied conference menu is prepared. You will meet representatives from commercial and internal contact centres from different segments. Networking will also be guaranteed thanks to partners who will showcase new technologies in their booths as carriers of new trends in the contact center segment.
We believe that the programme will be beneficial and interesting for all participants.
Registration is here: https://registrace.admez.cz/ccforum-registracia/