Have you ever thought about having market research done? If so, you may have come across the term QCalls, or Quality Calls. This proven method can provide you with a wealth of detailed information about your customers and their buying behaviour. What exactly do QCalls mean and what are their biggest benefits?

Extended version of classic surveys

Classic telephone market surveys are among the most popular and effective sources of information about your customers. Unlike electronic surveys, they are more personal. The call centre agent communicates directly with the person to find out what they liked or disliked about the products and services they purchased. Or what their shopping experience was like.

Through telephone surveys, you can find out about your brand awareness, customer knowledge of your advertising campaign, and so on. By asking the right questions, you can also find out what motivates consumers to buy and what they are missing.

Last but not least, it should not be forgotten that telephone surveys are fast. You can verify and work with the information immediately. Not to mention that questions can be modified and adapted based on customer responses.

Once you have an idea of how classic surveys work, we can move on to Quality Calls. These are an extended version of these. In addition to the basic data, the caller also finds out additional, much more detailed information. This gives you a comprehensive overview of the market and lets you know what and how to provide to your customers to engage them and meet their needs.

Continuous survey

QCalls are also great in that they are not disposable. They are done regularly, ideally every month, so you can compare and measure trends in customer behaviour, service or overall perception of your brand.

The data collected will be used in many areas of business. You can use it to improve customer service, make your website more transparent, add more products to your offer, etc.

How do QCalls work?

A survey will only be successful if you think and plan it well. Setting a clear goal and purpose is therefore essential. The clearer your ideas are, the better results you will get. Next, the topics and questions of the survey are prepared. These should be formulated in such a way that the customer can easily answer them and that the individual answers are relevant.

Once the survey foundation is in place, it’s time to program it and then collect the data. These are then evaluated and appropriate action is taken on the basis of the results.

Why should QCalls be done by experts?

Quality Calls are an excellent source of information that can support your business. However, they will only be successful if they are handled by professionals with years of experience. At CreditCall, we have trained staff who know how to approach customers and what questions to ask.

Infoline staff can also define relevant survey objectives, program the questionnaire and recognize target groups relevant to you and your business. This way, they don’t unnecessarily reach people who are not interested in your products and services.

The biggest advantages of QCalls

QCalls have countless benefits for your business. The main ones include:

  • are suitable for both large and small businesses,
  • are continuous, so you can use them to compare different trends,
  • bring important information,
  • they can boost your business and increase profits,
  • you can use them to improve the services you provide,
  • find out what the weaknesses of your business are and what to do about them.
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